Monday, April 24, 2006
Palmar Erithema Cyclists
Liguria Seborga, and 'Iolanda Di Ventimiglia last descendant of Count Guido Lascarais (3) Kronos - Sat 25 Mar (Advertising) (Adnkronos) - But why 'of the Italian Ventimiglia Sicily is not availed themselves of the revocation of the donation of Seborga to the Benedictine monks? Why 'Ventimiglia di Sicilia, from whom the prince Alduino were not the direct descendants of Count Guido donor, but just his family. For this reason, the prince Alduino of Ventimiglia, to claim Seborga, could not disregard by the guarantee of Princess Yasmin von Hohenstaufen, a direct descendant not only of Guido Ventimiglia Lascaris but also of Frederick II, King of Jerusalem. (Sil / Zn / Adnkronos)
The REAL SEBORGA VARANO RINASCIMENTOAdnkronos NEW) - This is of course a proposal that combines the recovery of ancient traditions with the most 'modern environmental synergies, between points in the program, whose mother Princess Yasmin von Hohenstaufen, a university professor, journalist with La Stampa of Turin and the economy, general manager for 20 years and president of the multinational Reader's Digest, is promoting: the revaluation of the 'art de venandi Cumulative avibus', practically the famous' falcon ', the art of falconry, which was unsurpassed master Federico II, the selection of aviation race horses of Seborga and the twinning with all sites Benedictine Cistercian Bretagne, Pyrenees, Provence and Europe.
LIGURIA: SEBORGA, E 'IOLANDA OF VENTIMIGLIA the last descendant of Count Guido Seborga LASCARIS25/03/2006 18:59, 25 March - (Adnkronos) - The great secret of Seborga explained by historians of the Fondazione Federico II of Edinburgh at a press conference in Saint-Genis. According to the Foundation, the last descendant of Count Guido di Ventimiglia Lascaris would Jolanda Jagiellonian Ventimiglia, an ancestor of Princess Kathrin von Hohenstaufen, who married 'William de Avril Burey Anjou, a descendant of Frederick II and Isabella of England. The confirmation of such offspring comes from the genealogical tables of the Benedictine monks, in the armorial bearings of Bretagne and the Polish aristocracy.
Liguria: Von Hohenstaufen Princess in Seborga, grandson of Frederick IIGenova, March 10 (Adnkronos) - The mayor of citizenship and the inheritor of Seborga hail the King of Gerusalemmme Princess Kathrin, which launched the''Kingdom of Seborga.'' The people of Seborga and the mayor invited the Princess Kathrin von Hohenstaufen, grandson of King Frederick II and the Lombards, a young medical student of Oncology, which unveiled the mystique of Castrum Sepulcri as a territory of the King of Jerusalem, making clear the links between the Knights Templar and the Cistercian Order and the Templars who made Seborga dramatization of the Heavenly Jerusalem. The projects 'of the Kingdom of Seborga''Spirit Realm, Human Rights Watch and the Alternative Energy and''' outlined on the website / principato_seborga. CORPUS
Grand Duchy of Milan LANGOBARDIASindaco
The Benedictine Monastery of Lorch was built by Frederick of Buren 10 km from the Hohenstaufen Hohenstaufen Castle. There were buried the Hohenstaufen and the relics of Golgotha \u200b\u200bthat Barbarossa was in the custody of the cousin of Emperor Comnenus. . Relics of Lorch Abbey ancestor of Princess Yasmin, have been inherited by Princess Kathrin, author of the discovery of unpublished documents of the Shroud of Christ and bandages. MONASTERY LORCH-click-here-DEPTH
, and heralds HISTORICAL NOTE
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