DESCENT OF FEDERICO II - by Prof. Sara Pignatelli
Princess Kathrin von Hohenstaufen heir to the bandages of Christ and the relics of Constantinople ° Source irrevocable German historians such as Die Zeit der Staufer (Stuttgart Museum) and the armorial bearings of England, France and Germany report that the children of the marriage of Frederick II and Isabella of England were not two (Margaret Carlotto, and as stated by the Italian historians) but five: Jordan (deceased child), Margareta, Carlotto Henry (died young), Federico ( who took refuge in England after the defeat of Corradino) and Kind (died infant). Princess Kathrin von Hohenstaufen Puoti Ira Yasmine in April, down from fourth child Federico Hohenstaufen Burey d'Anjou Plantagenets. CLICK HERE TO SEE THE "Die Zeit der Staufer" - the descendants of Federico II · The descendants of Frederick Burey d'Anjou is amply documented by the Armorial of France, Britain, from family trees given in the pastoral Benedictine monks of the Cistercian abbey Avril de Saint Genis Burey d'Anjou, from the Monumenta Germaniae Historica ("the German official history of the Bible), unusual trees from Russian-German aristocracy in Europe and even the Mormon genealogical reconstructions. ° Federico Burey d'Anjou, who inherited the imperial titles according to the will and testament of Frederick II (the historian and the Annals Scheffer Boichorst Piacentini report notes wills of Frederick II, who ruled the passage of the imperial titles of the sons of Jolanda of Brienne to the children of Isabella in the event of termination of the first) was in custody , the Shroud and the relics of Golgotha \u200b\u200bas reported by the Armorial of France and Britain. · And just about the Sindonologia is revealed another unforgivable gap in the Italian official history: they were the only Kathrin Hohenstaufen Princess of Hohenstaufen and Historic House, as reported in the international press in 1997 to illuminate the century route of the Shroud of Darkness. In fact, the Princess Kathrin traced numerous irrefutable evidence of the presence of the Holy Shroud at home Hohenstaufen in this period: many unpublished documents found in the archives that the relics of tsarist Golgotha \u200b\u200bincluding the Shroud of Christ and the bandages were delivered by Manuel Comnenus (cousin of the descendant of King Barbarossa Asthe Poto that Cosptantinopoli renamed Potior Commander or Comnenus, Despots - Des-Puoti of Constantinople) to the Hohenstaufen. Historians of Hohenstaufen House found themselves even confirm neii Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Historia Friderici chapter in which the Benedictine monks of the Monastery of Lorch list all the relics of Golgotha \u200b\u200bkept by Frederick of Buren. While studying the bandages were found Christ described In the Gospel according to John, who covered the body of Jesus' together with the Shroud, which is currently stored in Edinburgh. For these findings presented at the conference Sindonologia of San Marino, the Princess received a Charter Award from Cardinal Tonini Colasuonno.Chiunque traces through the centuries and the palimpsest of historical omissions that aimed to erase the Dynasty Staufica in a kaleidoscope of encroachments, will forced to exclaim, with the historic Terri: <>. The usurpation of Conrad of Swabia (who married Sophie Lansbergis and had two children-see Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Die Zeit der Staufer encyclopedia Treccani also see, even this reference was carefully omitted Guelph by historians) was in vain because his descendants through the female line was reunited to the line of Frederick of Hohenstaufen Anjou Plantagenet Burey (Armorial of France, Armorial de Bretagne, Monumenta Germaniae Historica). increasingly, the descendants of Princess Kathrin von Hohenstaufen April Hohenstaufen Puoti by the female line is: for the principles of Castelpoto Puoti Castelpuoti or (as the historian says Lettieri, Trees of Britain and the Monumenta Germaniae Historica) descended from Potiores Reges, the Lombard kings originated by Poto (or as I said Baud by Manzoni), the grandson and son of King Desiderio Adelchi protagonist of the tragedy of the same name Manzoni. Poto's sister was Ageltrude of Spoleto the ancestors who gave the Barbarossa Barbarossa's mother, Judith of Bavaria was great-grandson of King Desiderio. This suggests that the offspring of Princess Kathrin not only follows but also ascends to the Hohenstaufen! Moreover, the line of maternal and paternal grandparents of Princess Kathrin, namely the Principles Puoti, by virtue of his descent from Reges Potiores which are the true source of the main European dynastic lines, is all the inbred royal families of Europe. The daughters of King Desiderio were in fact married Ermengarde of Charlemagne, founder of Liutprand King of Bavaria, which descend from the Grimaldi Anselperga ... .. and so on ... This is not the place to rectify any shortcomings historical sites to see , / k_hohenstaufen, / f_hohenzollern listing all sources on the descendants of Frederick II and the Imperial Reges Potiores.Archivio Hohenstaufen HousePrincipe Arch Historic E. Verulis von Saxen-Coburg Gotha
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