the tables of the "Fellowship of the Lamb" had already accommodated the elf archer Canbett with the hobbits and explorers Cancion Canfil. The innkeeper Burgo served them beer and dark. No one spoke. They were all waiting for someone and something. In one corner, Marcos accompanied by fiddle Aquilio the bard who sang heroic deeds to be done.
The door was wide open and the ogre stands sull'abbaglio Tatu, hairy and frowning, with his nymph Chicco, radiant. "Beer, Burgo," cried the ogre smashing a table with his fist. The crash was followed by the clatter of the door torn from its hinges and thrown over the thousand year old oak. The troll came enlarging the room with bare shoulders, muscles of stone. "I destroy the inn!" Groaned Burgo, but the troll silenced him with a snarl. From the hole in the wall flew in on vibrating wings of the dragonfly messenger Julia, faster than a glance. "Here!" He said.
The fire emitted a puff of smoke rainbow which formed the figure of the magician Stephano. Raised her left arm to make up on their feet, then raising his right caused the collapse of a wall and appeared on the lawn in front of the inhabitants of the village, thronged to watch the wonders.
"Stan the wolf!" Commanded the magician.
"But who are you?" Asked the audience in a chorus.
At that moment a shadow fell giant and all shuddered. Between them and the inn is placed a dragon. There was in the saddle Martosta queen, followed by Amazon and Carlotta Lindola over white winged horse.
"We Lupusagnus" said the dragon. Then he blew flames into the sky to record the name in the clouds.
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